Summary ↗
Project Sunrise is a partnership with the Hopi community to propose the Qöyangnuptu Intervention (QI), a sociotechnical system of care that integrates mobile healthcare (mHealth), relational support systems, and cultural ways of well-being. This project will combine community expertise with the expertise of clinical psychologists, education researchers, and computer scientists to pilot the QI. Importantly, this project will engage Hopi community members as co-researchers who will help shape our research design and pilot as we carry out the project. This project anticipates research outcomes will be helpful to many different communities who experience pernicious health and digital disparities, including other tribal communities, migrant communities, and rural communities.
Collaborators ↗
Morgan Vigil-Hayes, Assistant Professor, Northern Arizona University
Darold Joseph, Assistant Professor, Northern Arizona University
Annie Collier, Senior Researcher, Southcentral Foundation
Funding ↗
The project is funded by the National Science Foundation Smart and Connected Communities (SCC) program. Award # 2224014.