Summary ↗
Project Let’s Talk Code (LTC) is a Research Practitioner Partnership (RPP) that investigates a novel approach to introduce Computer Science (CS) to high school students in the Navajo Nation (NN) tribal region in Arizona and New Mexico. The goal of the RPP is to improve students’ computational skills with a focus on preparing them to succeed in the Advance Placement (AP) computer science courses and motivate them to enroll in CS degrees. The project aims to help math, science and art teachers from NN high schools develop CS based projects in their existing courses and provide mentorship and guidance towards offering AP Computer Science Principles (CSP) courses in the subsequent years.
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Collaborators ↗
Peter Romine, Professor and Chair, Electrical Engineering, Navajo Technical University
Cheryl Mango-Paget, Superintendent, Coconino County Education Service Agency
Emily Evans, Research Coordinator, Coconino County Education Service Agency
Funding ↗
The project is funded by the National Science Foundation Computer Science for All (CS4ALL) Research Practitioner Partnerships program. Award # 2031515.